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C&C: Reloaded 2.5.1

C&C: Reloaded 2.5 released with focus in new single player missions and gameplay balance changes.

The most noticeable changes of this release are:

- Added a single player campaign for the Yuri faction. "Yuri Resurgence" contains 13 missions empowered with owr skirmish AI and new EVA voices for making the missions objectives more easy to understand (Special thanks to the original author Concolor1 for this great experience).


- Nod Centurion was replaced by the Avatar mech. 3 researchs will let the player the possibility to improve the new mech. Centurions will return in a future version.


- Silos game option mode is back! Last time it lasted few hours but now is the definitive return. Not only the refineries could work as slow strategic as in Tiberian Sun, Silos were added to all the factions, including the 3 RA2 factions:


- Updated Phobos library to the latest development snapshot with additional features.
- Updated CnC-Draw library to version 6.0.
- Added RA2 subtitles to brief & sidebar videos (English, Spanish & Russian).
- Updated Russian translation, specially the interface and the new Yuri campaign (special thanks to Green Eyesman).
- Now cannon weapons (usually fired by tanks) works like in Red Alert 1. This means that the units in movement will have less chance to be hit by a cannon projectile.

If somebody is interested to read the full changelog, please visit here:

Posted by FS-21 at December 27, 2023
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C&C: Reloaded 2.4.1

C&C: Reloaded 2.4.1 released with focus in AI improvements and gameplay balance changes.

The most noticeable changes of this release are:
- Updated Phobos library to the latest development snapshot with additional features.
- Updated Ares library to version 3.0p1.
- Updated CnC-Draw library to version
- Replaced the old AI system for selecting AI Teams in multiplayer. Now AI can't cheat prerequisites.

- Added 2 new single player maps. These 2 are Tiberian Sun demo missions.

- Enabled a placement preview of the structures.

- Soviets now can choose between Tesla Coil or the Tesla Tower, But once you build one type you won't be able to build the alternative until you sell all the Teslas. Similar to Tech Center/Tech Lab logic.

- Replaced the old GDI Orion ship. Now it uses the EMP cannon for forcing the submerged units to emerge and then attack with the cannon. Previously it was a support unit.

If somebody is interested to read the full changelog, please visit here:

Posted by FS-21 at December 8, 2022
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C&C: Reloaded 2.1.0

C&C: Reloaded 2.1 released with latest CnCNet support and tons of changes.

The most noticeable changes of this release are:
- Save / Load games fixes. Specially the missing name of some TS missions.

- Apocalypse tank replacement in the alternative Soviet tech tree.
Unlike the standard Apocalypse tank it has no air weapons. Enemy units that are being grinded can't move and/or attack.
Grinded mode produces money when the enemy unit is destroyed:

- Nod receives naval anti-air support with the Hydra submarine.
It has 2 working modes: surface and submerged.
=> In the surface (default behaviour) it can hit ground and air targets with the twin missile pods.
=> When submerged it switch the missiles with waterproof missiles that function like torpedoes.


- Added 2 units available at the civilian Tech lab:
-> Mobile EM-Pulse. The old TS:Firestorm unit with a portable EMP cannon. Until the charge is full it can't fire.
-> Guardian tank. When deployed it paints targets making them a 50% more vulnerable.

- Added the EMP Cannon for GDI and Nod. This Super Weapon has a limited attack range around the structure like in Tiberian Sun.

- Added the "Free for All" Game Mode. No alliances allowed.
- AI tweaks, fixes and improvements.

It can be downloaded in the downloads section:

If somebody is interested to read the full changelog, please visit here:

Posted by FS-21 at December 3, 2020
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C&C: Reloaded 1.7.1

C&C: Reloaded 1.7.1 released with latest CnCNet support and tons of changes.

The most noticeable changes of this release are:
- Re-enabled fire propagation in explosion & trees like in Tiberian Sun. Fire can ignite trees nearby and thus over time spread like a wildfire until the affected trees are burn or the fire disappear.



- New Ion Cannon for multiplayer games. The classic Ion Cannon is still used in the Tiberian Sun campaigns:



- Added the new alternative tech tree for the GDI, based on the Tiberium Wars vehicles with a Tiberian Sun skin:


- Added a remake of the first mission from the RA1 campaign "It Came From Red Alert" with RA2 graphics. In the future it will change so now consider it as a (beta) challenge. For now, depending the difficulty you'll face that mission with any of these friends:


- Added the tool MapTool for making massive map conversions without the help of Final Sun/Final Alert 2 Map Editors with +90 profiles compatible with C&C Reloaded:


- Allied artillery and the Nod experimental stealth harvester got new graphics.
- Added new Skirmish/Online Game option: "Disable Alternative Tech Trees". If set, it disables alternative tech trees, leaving available only the original tech tree of each faction.
- Added 49 new multiplayer maps
- More AI improvements.


It can be downloaded in the downloads section:

If somebody is interested to read the full changelog, please visit here:

Posted by FS-21 at November 8, 2020
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C&C: Reloaded 1.6.0

C&C:Reloaded 1.6.0 released with latest CnCNet support and tons of changes.

The most noticeable changes of this release are:
- Yuri Bio Warrior and Repair Disk improvements & new skills: Bio Warrior softens armor & slowdown units a 50%. In the case of the Repair Disk (added in this release) it increases the armor temporarily a 100% while is being repaired.



- Some balance changes like the new attack delay of the Psychic Tower:


- New units for detecting stealth vehicles for RA2 factions and disabling enemy radars when they are in range: The Radar Jammers

In the case of the Soviets:


In the case of the Allies


- Reworked Nod Super Weapons, disabling the Tiberium Shower and leaving a vitaminized version of the Chemical Missile as replacement.
- New game mode "Blind Assault" based on the Assault game mode but that the shroud that covers all the map regenerates in an instant making you "blind" and forcing you to explore.
- More explosions that weren't ported in previous versions and animations from Tiberian Sun were adjusted in size & ported.
- More AI tweaks.


It can be downloaded in the downloads section:

If somebody is interested to read the full changelog, please visit here:

Posted by FS-21 at July 2, 2020
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C&C: Reloaded 1.5.3 (minor update)

C&C:Reloaded 1.5.3 released with minor AI teaks and 2 new (old) game modes:
- Assault
- Capture The Flag.




In both modes the player's base will have a flag that must be protected at all costs because if it is destroyed (Assault) or captured (Capture The Flag) the player loose.

Only the Capture The Flag game mode needs online/LAN for playing.

Currently there are 19 adapted maps of these modes but more maps will be adapted in the future.

Full download available at:
If somebody is interested to read the full changelog, please visit here:

Posted by FS-21 at June 12, 2020
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C&C: Reloaded 1.5.0

C&C:Reloaded 1.5.0 released with latest CnCNet support and tons of changes.
The most noticeable changes of this release are:
- Rework of the Tiberian Sun terrain (new resize method).
- Rework of Tiberian Sun objects such as infantry, structures, etc (the same new resize method from above):

- Now the dominant game resource in single player campaigns will be respected: Ore & Gems in RA2/YR missions and Tiberium in TS missions. Ore resource is optional in multiplayer maps:

- New basic GDI ship: the amphibious Paladin
- Rework of the GDI fleet & gameplay balance:
- CnCNet Players Online indicator in the Main screen:
- 54 new multiplayer maps.
- Better TS vs RA2 damage balance.
- Lots of fixes & adjustments.

It can be downloaded in the downloads section
Or at ModDB:
If somebody is interested to read the full changelog, please visit here:

Posted by FS-21 at June 4, 2020
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C&C: Reloaded 1.4.0




C&C:Reloaded 1.4.0 released with latest CnCNet support and tons of changes.

If somebody is interested to read the full changelog, please visit here:



The installation instructions is simply:

1) Create a new folder.

2) Extract all the content of the compressed download into the new folder.

3) Run the "RUN ME FIRST - C&C Reloaded installer.exe" or copy these YR game files (Yuri's Revenge must be updated to the 1.001 or it will not work):

- gamemd.exe (version 1.001, from original CD, The First Decade or The Ultimate 
Collection release, if it isn't the original file Ares might fall and the game 
will not work properly).
- ra2.mix
- ra2md.mix
- language.mix
- langmd.mix
- expandmd01.mix
- binkw32.dll
- blowfish.dll

Optional files for a better game experience (specially for campaigns):

- thememd.mix
- movmd03.mix

3) Run "CnCReloadedClient.exe", configure the settings and play offline single player or online multiplayer on CnCNet.

4) Have fun!
The official download links are located in:

It isn't an April Fool's Day joke.

Posted by FS-21 at April 1, 2020
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C&C: Reloaded 1.3



Another C&C:Reloaded anniversary and as I commented in FaceBook few days ago here we have the "1.3" release instead of the "1.5" due the lack of free time. So no Tiberian Sun GDI campaign & other features I wanted include on the next major release of C&C:Reloaded (these new additions will have to wait for the previously mentioned "1.5" release). In addition, I also published the download links of the RA2 video pack and theme packs with its own installer in the main download page of the C&C:R website. After the installation go to the Addons tab and enable them.


The changelog isn't as big as the 1.0 release but I hope the AI is to your liking :-)

If you want improve the AI please do your feedback in this forum topic:



If somebody is interested to read the full changelog, please visit here:

Download links:

º) Disable mod (if it was installed & enabled)

1º) Install
2º) Run the C&C:R Mod Manager
3º) Enable mod
4º) Play (& enjoy)

Uninstall instructions:
1º) Run the C&C:R Mod Manager
2º) Disable mod
3º) Remove the C&C:Reloaded folder manually
4º) (optional) Remove the Desktop icon if you created it.

For any problem please visit the OFFICIAL C&C:Reloaded forum:

Posted by FS-21 at July 7, 2013
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December update

Lack of updates, I know, the reason is related to a map :closedeyes:

After spending some weeks finding the reason of a strange bug related to tunnels in a GDI mission finally I got some divine inspiration and fixed it. I didn't ignore the bug & continued with other missions because it was produced by me after changing some parts of the mission 3 (Secure the UFO crash site) and the same parts should be changed in the mission 4 ("Defend the UFO crash site")... I'm happy to know that it was a FA2 map editor bug and not my lack of knowledge :rolleyes:

Moreover, just for demo, here can be watched the first GDI mission:

Easy mission, is more to present the product than anything else. Fortunatelly GDI has a lot of sub-missions that will increase significally the number of playable single player missions in C&C:Reloaded (currently 53 from the original games in the 1.0 release).

If I don't publish anything new in december... I wish you Merry Christmas!
Posted by FS-21 at December 14, 2012
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